Groundwater Well Managment on the Sammamish Plateau
SUMMARY: Jay Regenstreif with Sammamish Plateau Water explains that water supply does not always come from lakes and streams, but also can be found underground. Shows how purveyors find clues and use models to find and understand a resource that you can’t see and steps taken to protect that precious resource.
BIO: Jay Regenstreif is the Planning Engineer for Sammamish Plateau Water. Her work focuses on planning for and providing water and sewer service to customers on the Sammamish Plateau and portions of the Union Hill area, as well as coordinating Emergency Planning and providing support to the engineering and operations departments.
LEARN MORE: (Annotated links for extended classroom inquiry)
Groundwater education from King County (Water Cycle plus)
King County Well Locations
Department of Ecology Well Log Viewer
Department of Ecology – Facility/Site Database
USGS Water Science School