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Lesson Plans

Foundations Collection

Middle and High School

Human Geography, Civics, Science

Mapping My Watershed Address

If I knew my watershed address as well as I know my street address, what systemic improvements would I design for my community?

Middle and High School

All Subjects

Engaging Stakeholders

If I design an impact project to improve the sustainable conditions of my home, school, or community, who are all the other stakeholders?


Water Systems Collection

Middle and High School

Language Arts, Civics, Social Studies, Science

Imagine a Day Without Water

If we continue to take water for granted and something happens to the infrastructure that supports water supply, wastewater treatment, and stormwater management, how would we respond?

Middle and High School

Social Studies, Science, Math, School Green Teams

Home Water Conservation Audit

What are the systemic implications of me and my family conserving water in our home or apartment?

8th Grade

Language Arts

Sci-Fi to Cli-Fi

How can I apply the elements of great science fiction writing to describe a vivid future of how humans are managing water resources right here in my bioregion? Is this future utopian or dystopian, and how did we get there? How can I share my writing in a way that inspires people to use water resources sustainably?

Middle School

Earth Science

Harvesting Rainwater for Water Supply

With a shrinking snowpack and big changes coming in the seasonal patterns of our water cycle, what are the issues and opportunities related to harvesting rainwater from the roof design of the buildings where we live, go to school, or shop?

Middle and High School

All Subjects, Resource

Puzzling Phenomena for Water Systems

What are some entry point inquiries into Water Systems thinking? How do we connect them to our local communities?

Middle and High School

Language Arts, Social Studies, Science

What if Drought is the New Normal?

With a shrinking snowpack and big changes coming in the seasonal patterns of our water cycle due to climate change, how will we adapt to an increase in annual drought conditions, some of them extreme?

Middle School

Physical Science

Wastewater Engineering Context for Teaching Properties of Matter

What can we do to make sure that our wastewater is not harmful to Puget Sound?

Middle and High School

Human Geography, Local History, Engineering

Coolest Graph Ever on the History and Future of Water Conservation

If the human population in our region continues to expand but our water supply is limited and climate change is altering our local water cycle what do we need to do?

Middle and High School

Earth Science, Geography, Language Arts, Social Studies

EARTHQUAKE! What Happens When Our Water Infrastructure Breaks?

When a major earthquake occurs in our region, what might happen to our water systems infrastructure and how do we prepare before, during, and after?

Middle School

Physical Science

Reclaiming Wastewater for Water Supply

With a shrinking snowpack and big changes coming in the seasonal patterns of our water cycle due to climate change, what are the issues and opportunities related to reclaiming water from the wastewater treatment process?

Water Systems
Snowpack lessons

Snowpack Collection

Middle and High School

All Subjects, Resource

Snowpack List of Lesson Inquiries

What are some entry points into Snowpack Data Analysis through various curriculum lenses?

Middle and High School

All Subjects

Snowpack 103 - How Water Managers use Data to Make Decisions

How do scientists, water resource managers, and policymakers use SNOTEL data to make timely decisions that affect multiple stakeholders in our current water year as well as decades into our future?

8th Grade

Language Arts, Social Studies

Climate Crisis is a $26 Trillion Economic Opportunity

With a shrinking snowpack and big changes coming in the seasonal patterns of our water cycle due to climate change, are there economic opportunities we could be taking advantage of?

Middle School

Earth Science

Harvesting Rainwater for Water Supply

With a shrinking snowpack and big changes coming in the seasonal patterns of our water cycle, what are the issues and opportunities related to harvesting rainwater from the roof design of the buildings where we live, go to school, or shop?

Middle and High School

All Subjects

Snowpack 101 - It's Personal

With our snowpack shrinking, and big changes coming in the seasonal patterns of our water cycle due to climate change, what impacts will I personally experience? How are low income and communities of color experiencing these changes? What’s my role?

9th Grade, 10th Grade

Science, Biology

Why Do Orcas Need Snow?

How will our Puget Sound population of orcas be affected by the projected impacts of climate change and what actions can we take to mitigate these impacts?

Middle and High School

Language Arts, Social Studies, Science

What if Drought is the New Normal?

With a shrinking snowpack and big changes coming in the seasonal patterns of our water cycle due to climate change, how will we adapt to an increase in annual drought conditions, some of them extreme?

Middle and High School

All Subjects

Snowpack 102 - How to Analyze SNOTEL Data

To effectively manage our local water supply, it is critical for us to understand changes in the timing and depth of the snowpack in our mountains. How can we get precise measurements on a regular basis?

8th Grade

Language Arts

Nonfiction Reading on Our Shrinking Snowpack

With a shrinking snowpack and big changes coming in the seasonal patterns of our water cycle, how are nonfiction writers communicating the science, the impacts, and the solutions to climate change in our bioregion?

Middle School

Physical Science

Reclaiming Wastewater for Water Supply

With a shrinking snowpack and big changes coming in the seasonal patterns of our water cycle due to climate change, what are the issues and opportunities related to reclaiming water from the wastewater treatment process?

Salmon Stewardship Collection

Middle and High School

All Subjects, Resource

LESSON 1: Are Salmon and People Thriving at my Watershed Address?

How can our classroom take responsibility for stewardship actions that measurably improve the ecological conditions of our watershed address allowing both salmon and people to thrive?

Middle and High School

All Subjects, Resource

LESSON 4: CASE STUDIES Analyzing Salmon Habitat Restoration Sites Near Us

It’s useful to have models to study on how professionals apply engineering practices to solve complex challenges for salmon recovery right here in our watershed.

Middle and High School

All Subjects, Resource

LESSON 2: JIGSAW Salmon Survival

Deepen your knowledge of the challenges our local salmon face (and the solutions!) by analyzing selected graphics, videos, maps, and text.

Middle and High School

All Subjects, Resource

PERFORMANCE TASK Salmon Stewardship Action

This is it! Apply your knowledge by implementing stewardship actions as an individual, class, or school community to take care of salmon and the upstream habitat we share.

Middle and High School

All Subjects, Resource

LESSON 3: How People Replumbed an Entire Watershed

Discover how massive engineering manipulations over the last 150 years shrunk the once mighty Green Duwamish Watershed from three sources down to one.

Salmon Stewardship Collection

Stormwater Collection

Middle and High School

All Subjects, Resource

LESSON 1: JIGSAW Why is Stormwater a Problem?

Stormwater is not a problem for a forest. But it is for your neighborhood. Deepen your knowledge of this critical issue by analyzing selected graphics, videos, maps, and text.

Middle and High School

All Subjects, Resource

LESSON 4: GSI CIVICS Stormwater Policy Making

Work with a small team of your colleagues in role as either city staff or city council to administer the Stormwater Management Plan. What’s your budget? How will you prioritize?

Middle and High School

All Subjects, Resource

GSI Photo Galleries

Explore 14 engineering strategies to understand how Green Stormwater Infrastructure can help your neighborhood handle stormwater like the original forest that once stood here.

Middle and High School

All Subjects, Resource


It’s useful to have models to study on how professionals apply engineering practices when they design Green Stormwater Infrastructure to manage polluted stormwater runoff.

Middle and High School

All Subjects, Resource

LESSON 3: GSI CIVICS Applications in my City

Every city has a Stormwater Management Plan with goals that we can help achieve once we know how it works and where our efforts are needed most.

Middle and High School

All Subjects, Resource

PERFORMANCE TASK Student Recommended GSI Project Sites

This is it! Apply your knowledge by making a professional recommendation for how the right application of GSI design choices could eliminate polluted stormwater runoff at a site of your choosing.

Stormwater Collection
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